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     KAIA UNI Verse Soul  طسٓمٓ

a Spiritual Technology Company

of Living Light Energies

for Human Evolution

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KAIA UNI Verse Soul
Online Meditation and Learning Center

No Potential can ever be obtained without focused effort....


Standard Classes

Exercise Therapy Night & Axiatonal Activations for Personal Evolution

Participate in various Qigong, Warrior Yoga, Musculo-Skeletal Rehabilitation exercises & Energy Field Activations to enhance your life force, energy output and to improve general overall wellness - pm to 8:30 pm - Monthly fee of $25.00  


CashApp $iamkaia

Zelle :

Zoom Video Classes


Tree of Life Reiki Training Class

(Training in healing sequences for then mind and body through various Tree of Life Protocols, Prayers, Consciousness Expansion Meditations, Hebrew Mantra Chant of Sacred Words, purging the body/mind of evil vibrations)

Initiations :

Ana B'koach 42 Letter Name of God Miracle Prayer, 72 Names of God/Angels, Aramaic Alphabet,, 11 Sephiroth, 54 letter Names of God drawing from the power of existence. 


7 pm to 8:30 pm.           $333

CashApp $iamkaia

Zelle :

Zoom Video Classes

Ifa - Study Group

Training class in Obi Reading & Divination; Learning How to read and mark the 256 Odu Ifa signatures, Spiritual Prayers of the 256 Odu Ifa for effecting positive change in you daily lives....

pm to 8:30 pm.      $1,000 16 week sessions

                                    $1,000 Ase Connection Initiations

CashApp $iamkaia

Zelle :

Zoom Video Classes

Ori (Higher Consciousness) Clearings

Prayer sessions used to clear away discordant energies from accumulating in, around and through the auric fields

Call for Appointment           $150

in person or thru Zoom Video


The "Golden Axiatonal Master Symbol" is invoked for a Full Axiatonal Alignment. Total of 56 lines including major and minor axiatonal meridians are connected through this symbol. The process seems to take 2-3hrs to complete. After a full body axiatonal alignment - fast self healing is only part of process. Many people show up with advanced healing abilities. The meridian activation connects a person to higher vibrations of the universe. Healings and upliftment is part of the process and the work is at the level of spirit as an initiation into the higher levels. The process may work for a few months before this stage of completion and the complete fusion of the oversoul occurs. 

1: Full axiatonal alignment at a faster rate
2: Could be used for self healing and others.
3: Symbol could be activated from distance and over time

4: Equally works for animal and plants


The "Golden Ancestral Healing Symbol" is for ancestral healings and the basic idea is to send the first symbol initiations to all your ancestors. The possibility of them getting healed brings a lot of blessings and healing to you too. People who seem non responsive to energy treatments tend to start responding to healing after the use of this symbol. Ancestral Healing occurs for 4 generations back.


The "Golden Relationship Healing Symbol" is to heal all you have encountered and to also heal your relationships with people and past memories. The third symbol coming into play has the reason that some of the people you meet might not like you, and a possible reason not to receive healings from you. The major part is this brings the energies to a large population whom you have never met.

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